Arabic Branding: Clichés To Avoid

When it comes to building a brand, there are a number of do’s and don’ts for agencies and creative directors to keep in mind – and this is the same for Arabic branding as well. There are a number of clichés that unimaginative business owners may be tempted to stick to in a bid to make an Arabic brand instantly recognisable, however this will just turn consumers off.

Here are some of the top Arabic clichés to avoid when attempting to build a modern brand in the region:

Over-using patterns.

The UAE and other Arab regions are steeped in history, and in the past Arab design and print was hugely influential. A number of stories were told with patterns, but this is no longer a widely-used practice – meaning that brands looking to use pattern and draw on the cultural past tend to look outdated.

Using too much gold.

The obsession of the Arab world with gold is huge – however this doesn’t have to be the case with your brand. It may seem like the best color choice to represent decadence and luxury, however the old cliché of gold in the Arab world is horribly overused.

Using a camel, palm tree, or falcon.

Using symbols that represent the lands of Arabia is also outdated; certain symbols may seem to inherently represent the Arabic landscape, however they may not accurately represent the products or services on offer.

Using calligraphy and Ali Baba typography.

This is one of the most common clichés in use in the Arab world: Arabic calligraphy. Whilst the language is unique and visually captivating, opting for traditional calligraphy can feel archaic. However, adopting typography which is more of a Westernised-version of what the Arab world represents – drawing on inspiration from stories like Aladdin, for example – can be an insult to the culture, so must be approached with caution.

With so many things to consider when building a brand, using an agency with an understanding of the region is highly recommended, particularly in such a culturally rich land as the UAE and other Arabic countries .

7G Media consultancies is a digital marketing company in Dubai who are expert in providing the best digital marketing services. We can help you generate business leads, or scale up your online business.

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